Casares de las Mujeres
A project to recover the role of women in Casares throughout history
Mujeres de Casares: the midwife
Health and life
Throughout history, with the arrival of each new life into this world, women have found the help they needed in other women, the midwife. Generally, the art of childbirth has been practiced by women without formal training, but with extraordinary experience. In Casares, names like Ana García “La Rincona”, María García “La Pavona”, or María “La Partera” can be cited, among others.
In 1958, María Biedma Cano, known as María “La Partera”, arrived in Casares. She was a formally trained midwife and later practiced as a practitioner. All of these women assisted in home births. A good portion of the current neighborhood, which here recognizes them, owes their arrival into life to the work of these fundamental women.
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Design: Acaire S.Coop.And.
Centro de Iniciativas Turísticas de Casares